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List of our technologies

A figure of merit to assess bias in biometric systems

We introduce a figure of merit that is able to evaluate and compare fairness aspects between multiple biometric verification systems, the so-called Fairness Discrepancy Rate (FDR). A use case with two synthetic biometric systems is introduced and demonstrates the potential of this figure of merit in extreme cases of demographic differentials.

CBI-MMTools: Micro-manager Microscopy Synchronized Camera and Illumination Control Tools

CBI-MMTools is a set of plugins, device adapters and libraries for the operation of microscopy platforms using Micro-Manager.

Computer-Aided Segmentation of Eye-fundus Imaging

Algorithm that automates the segmentation of eye fundus (RGB) images.

Computer-Aided Sleep-Phase classification from Polysomnography

Algorithm that automates the construction of Hypnograms from Polysomnograms.

Deep Models and Shortwave Infrared Information to Detect Face Presentation Attacks

We explore the use of short wave infrared (SWIR) imaging for Face Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). Face PAD is performed using recent models based on Convolutional Neural Networks using only carefully selected SWIR image differences as input.

Efficient Face Recognition Model for Edge Devices

We propose EdgeFace, a lightweight and efficient face recognition network inspired by the hybrid architecture of EdgeNeXt.

Face Recognition with Knowledge Distillation from Synthetic Data

We propose SynthDistill, a new framework to train lightweight face recognition models by distilling the knowledge of a pretrained teacher face recognition model using synthetic data.

GAFRO: Geometric Algebra For RObotics

Toolbox for efficient learning and control in robotics by relying on geometric algebra

GAP: Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks with Aggregation Perturbation

The method is a novel differentially private Graph Neural Network (GNN) based on Aggregation Perturbation (GAP), which can statistically obfuscate the presence of a single edge (edge-level privacy) or a single node and all its adjacent edges (node-level privacy), thus providing formal privacy guarantees with competitive classification performance.

Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Conditional Adaptive Instance Modulation

We introduce a novel Conditional Adaptive Instance Modulation (CAIM) module that can be integrated into pre-trained FR networks, transforming them into HFR networks.

Heterogeneous Face Recognition with Prepended Domain Transformer

We propose a surprisingly simple, yet, very effective method for matching face images across different sensing modalities.

IHPER: Idiap Human Perception system

The Idiap Human Perception system is a real-time multimodal system for person tracking, face re-identification, sound source localisation, and visual focus of attention.

Interpretable Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis

CAD that uses Chest X-ray Imaging for detecting Active Pulmonary cases.

LPGNN: Graph Neural Networks with Local Differential Privacy

The method combines Local Differential Privacy and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to preserve the privacy of node features and labels in GNNs, with relatively low privacy cost while providing competitive accuracy, using differential privacy principles.

Protecting Face Recognition Templates based on Embeddings

PolyProtect transforms a face embedding to a more secure template, using a mapping based on multivariate polynomials parameterised by user-specific coefficients and exponents.

RCFS: Robotics Codes From Scratch

Toolbox to solve optimal control and trajectory optimization problems in robotics.

res++: Characterization of imaging systems, image degradation, motion characterization

Our method allows estimating the parameters of a spatially variant Point Spread Function (PSF) model using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

SSL: Sound Source Localization and Discrimination

We have pioneered the first viable deep learning framework (task definition, network architecture, training paradigm) for solving fundamental auditory tasks such as sound source localization, speaker identification and speech/non-speech classification.

SpArch: Spiking Architectures for Speech Technology

Software enabling hybrid artificial and spiking networks.

Synthetic image datasets for benchmarking face recognition

We introduce a method to generate a synthetic dataset, without the need for human intervention, by exploiting the latent structure of a StyleGAN2 model with multiple controlled factors of variation.

TTGO: Tensor Train for Global Optimization

Toolbox to solve global optimization problems in a data-efficient manner

Text to Speech

State of the art neural synthesisers demonstrating Idiap's expertise in speech synthesis: localisation of accents and dialects, synthesis of emphasis and emotions.

Vision Transformers for Zero-shot Face Presentation Attack Detection

We used transfer learning from the vision transformer model for the zero-shot presentation attack detection task.

Web SMILE sign production assessment platform

Automatic assessment of sign language production with clues on how to improve.